Sunday, November 25, 2012

I had yarn left ...

I had yarn left after I finished the ribbed baby hat so thought I'd make another.  I use circular needles so don't have to put in a seam.  I don't like seams in hats - that's just not comfortable!  This is size newborn (0-3 months).

The directions would have been easy enough to come up with - I've made them for me without any - but this hat is in the book Itty Bitty Hats, which I have.  The book has some really darling hats for babies and small children and the directions are easy to follow.      


  1. I'm not much of a knitter, but when I saw the book Itty Bitty Hats I just HAD to buy it. Just toooooo cute!!! When the great-grandchildren ever start to arrive, I'll polish up my knitting needles and try some. (smile)

  2. I don't knit either - have seen baby hats in the gift shops and they are soooo cute!! Very lucky you to knit them yourself.


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